
所有高中毕业生都可以入学, 或已圆满完成普通教育发展(GED)考试的人士,或年满18岁的人士. bbin requires degree-seeking students to submit high school transcripts.


  • 普通教育文凭;
  • 证明学生已通过国家授权考试的证书或其他正式结业文件(如中学结业评估考试(TASC)和高中同等水平考试(HiSET))。, or, in California, 加州高中水平考试(California High School Proficiency Exam),该州承认其相当于高中文凭(出学证书和/或结业证书不包括在此资格类别中);
  • 大专学历;
  • 成功完成至少60个学期,不导致授予副学士学位, but that is acceptable for full credit toward a bachelor’s degree at any institution; or
  • 已成功完成至少60个学期或三个学期学分或72个季度学分的学士学位课程, including credit hours transferred into the bachelor’s degree program.

Applicants seeking degrees/certificates or planning to transfer to another college:
A student must be in a degree/certificate program to receive financial aid.

  • 递交申请网址: mbconseils.net/apply-now.
  • Request that an official high school transcript be sent to the Admissions Office.
  • 从其他机构调来的, request an official college transcript be sent to the Admissions Office.
  • 参加定向.

在网上提交申请 mbconseils.net/apply-now.

Apply as early as possible prior to the beginning of the semester. Applications are processed as they are received, with the upcoming semester given priority. Deadlines will be posted each semester for degree/certificate-seeking applicants.



  • 学位或证书入学

    对于打算完成副学士学位的申请人, to transfer or to complete a certificate program in an occupational specialty.
  • 非学位的招生

    For applicants who intend to pursue course work in an area of interest to gain skill or for enjoyment.

Dual-Enrolled Admission

For applicants who are enrolled in classes at bbin while still in high school.

Guest Student Admissions

目前就读于密歇根州其他学院或大学的申请人可以作为bbin的客座学生申请. 客座学生 must submit a completed Michigan Uniform Undergraduate Guest Application. 该申请必须在学生计划参加最多两个学期的每个学期提交. 两个学期后, a student must complete an bbin application for admission if they wish to continue to be enrolled at bbin.


如果你有其他学院或大学的学分, request the registrar of that school send an official transcript to the bbin Admissions Office. 您的学分将被评估,并在您的自助服务帐户上提供转学分评估. 对于那些获得2分的大学水平课程,你将从地区机构认证组织认可的机构获得学分.0/C或以上成绩,并与bbin课程相似. 总学分将记录在你的成绩单上. 在某些情况下, 在申请特定的职业项目时, 只有适用于这些项目的类才能被评估. 只能转学分,不能转成绩. 如果你在国外读过书, 你的成绩单必须由评估服务机构进行评估,以便与美国地区认可的机构进行比较. bbin推荐的认证服务有 教育证书评估公司. and 世界教育服务.

NOTE: If you’ve completed AP credits and need to send your transcripts to bbin, visit collegeboard.org.



  • 在家接受教育的学生必须提供:

    • 高中成绩单. 这份成绩单可以来自家庭学校课程代理机构, 也可以由家长(或教师)生成. 成绩单应该列出完成的课程和获得的成绩. A student may apply while their final coursework is still in progress, but we must receive a “final” transcript indicating date of graduation prior to attendance at bbin.
    • 官方的ACT或SAT成绩报告. 请与ACT或SAT组织联系,了解考试日期和如何将成绩发送给我们的信息.


bbin的双招生是有选择性的. High school students must qualify for dual enrollment and admission to bbin.

  • 被考虑进入学术课程, prospective dual enrolled students must do one of the following:

    • 提交ACT阅读成绩19分或更高,写作成绩18分或更高到bbin招生办公室进行审查, or
    • If you also want to take a college class that requires proficiency in math, you will need an ACT score of at least 21 or better on the math placement test. 这可能使你具备中级代数或更高水平的资格.
    • Take 分班测试. 有关测试的信息,请致电(231)995-2134. 考试成绩存档后, 学生将收到一封资格信,显示他们可以参加哪些课程,并概述双注册过程中的其他步骤.
  • Eligible dual enrolled students who would like to take academic classes must do the following:

    • 与你的高中辅导员一起完成双入学申请,并获得所有必要的签名.
    • 将申请表发送或带到bbin招生办公室.
    • 参加定向. 在这个时候,学生将注册课程. (首次双招生的学生必须参加入学指导.)
    • Pay for your classes or present paperwork from your school if they are covering the tuition

卫生职业有特殊的入学要求,如本目录中具体项目所述. The Great Lakes Maritime Academy (GLMA) also has special admission requirements. GLMA应用程序包可在网上获得 mbconseils.net/maritime or from the Office of Admissions at the Academy, Great Lakes Campus, 715 E. 前街,(231)995 -1200.

In the event you are denied admission to an occupational program that has special admission requirements, 你可以向招生主任提出上诉,随后向招生审查委员会提出上诉.

Northwestern Michigan College welcomes out-of-state student admission applications. 如果你打算去特拉弗斯城, please phone our Welcome Center at (231) 995-1054 for information regarding a campus tour.


(231) 995-1082

西北密歇根学院是法律授权招收非移民学生,并欢迎这些申请. 我们鼓励未来的学生在网上申请 mbconseils.net/apply-now.

  • International入学要求

    • An International Student is any non-immigrant in possession of or seeking a current F-1, M-1, 或J-1学生签证. 学生必须完成bbinInternational学生申请,包括所有证明文件. Completed applications are due June 15 for Fall semester and October 15 for Spring semester.
    • The prospective international student must present official records, marked sheets, transcripts, 高中和所有其他学术机构的文凭和证书将被授予入学前的考虑. 这应该包括学生在美国接受过的任何高等教育的官方记录. 这些记录必须显示所修课程和获得的成绩, and must be translated into English if the original records are in another language. 如果提供了翻译, it should be certified as accurate and correct by an appropriate public or school official, 或赞助机构或政府. The official record in the original language must also be included.
    • 除非英语是他们的母语,否则学生必须提供官方考试成绩来证明他们的英语能力. 符合下列条件的学生可获准入学:
      • 托福成绩最低要求:网考61分,CBT 173分,PBT 500分
      • 托业成绩最低:500分
      • 雅思成绩最低:5分.0
    • The student must show proof of adequate financial resources for one year. Details of this requirement are available in the International Student Application.
    • 国家医学中心要求International学生在入学期间和注册前有健康保险. Information about health insurance is included in the application.
    • 除了参加一般学生迎新活动外,学生还必须在bbin入学的第一学期开始参加International学生迎新活动
    • 校园内有学生宿舍. 信息可以在网上找到 mbconseils.net/housing. bbin does not assist students in finding host families or housing in the area. Students must provide proof of housing arrangements prior to arrival in the United States.
    • International学生转学到bbin必须有他们当前的International顾问填写转学表格.
  • International学术条例

    • International学生每学期不得少于12学时,在线学分不得少于3学分. 每学期少于12个学分被认为违反了美国公民和移民服务局(USCIS)的规定. 为了避免处罚, 未经留学生指导老师同意,留学生不得退课.
    • Before international students may register for their first semester, they must complete placement testing and meet with an bbin academic advisor.
    • If at the end of the first semester international students have successfully completed 12 credits, 他们可以继续常规学习. If not, 他们必须向美国公民及移民服务局申请恢复,并完成不少于12个学分,累计平均绩点为2.0或更高才能继续在bbin学习. 不符合要求的International学生将被视为不合格,并可能被学院开除.
    • At bbin, all credits earned in remedial classes are included in the 12-credits-per-semester requirement.
    • bbin considers international students’ enrollment as their acceptance of the preceding policies. 任何不正常的学术或个人行为将交由招生管理和学生服务副校长处理. The student may submit a written appeal of any decision that he or she believes to be unjust. This appeal may be made to the Vice President of Enrollment Management and Student Services. International Enrollment Procedures International学生 maintain their F-1 visa status if they:
      • 每学期(秋季和春季)完成12个学分
      • 保持不少于2.平均绩点0
      • 在I-20上列出的学位课程上取得持续的进步,按时支付所有学费和大学账单
      • Exhibit good citizenship The I-20 form will stay in effect through the enrollment period. It will, however, 每次离境前不超过5个工作日,需在离境前签字